Monday, August 11, 2014


I have discovered that self-publishing on DriveThruRPG is a thing.  I have 40 pages of campaign setting text that I have written with the help of my husband and roommate just so my friends and I could play the game.  I am going to make this into a book and self-publish it.  This is my New Y--err... mid-year's resolution.

Writing problem solved.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


So, I made this account and totally forgot about it for something in the realm of three years...  To be fair, they've been a very busy three years.  I'm married now, I work fulltime, I've done a lot of DMing and I've discovered an affinity for miniature painting.

What I *haven't* been doing is writing much of anything, and that needs to change.  Maybe rediscovering this is the key.

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Grand Opening

It's been awhile since I tried anything like this (about eight years, in fact).  It may take me awhile to get in the habit of posting regularly.  Even so, I feel this is something I should try.

First, a little about myself:  My name is Elizabeth Cotrofeld.  I'm a writer and an artist.  I'm in the process of writing and illustrating a webcomic called Cry Havoc, which I plan to make public either in early May or early June, depending on how quickly I'm able to throw a decent amount of backlog and a solid website together.  I'm also working on a novel, but that's still rather nebulous.

I intend for this blog to serve a few purposes.  I'm going to list important updates to Cry Havoc once the site goes public.  I may well post some of my pictures and writing samples, whether they be older pieces or newer ones.  However, I also want to use this blog as a way to address what I feel to be pressing issues, whether they be political, sociological, or personal.

In closing, I'd like to share something amazing:

Dub FX is one of the most talented musical artists I've heard in a long time.  He hails from Australia, and he creates his music using his voice and a Roland Effects & loop pedal.  (For a more detailed explanation/demonstration, check this out.)